Tips to design a website

1. Your website must be simple, clean and professional. When your website is professional and clean, it reflects well on your company. Your website should be easy to navigate and provides information that visitors want to read.

2. Do not give your visitors trouble navigating through your site. When visitors find it hard to find what they want, you need to change your navigation bar. The navigation bar should be displayed prominently on the page.

3. Choose the right color. If you want to excite your visitors, choose a vibrant color. If you want to present a professional and slick look, choose something light.

4. Place all important information on the top of the home page. You only have 5 seconds to tell the visitors what your website is about. So remember to present all important information to the visitors as soon as possible.

5. Display graphics prominently. Graphics can grab visitors' attention easily. Therefore, you should display graphics prominently on your page.

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