Diablo III to hog computer screens from May 15

Diablo III, offspring of the modern action-roleplaying genre's 1996 grandpappy, Diablo, will be with us come May 15, after an unusually protracted 11 year period of development.

Players will be able to select their character from various classes: The barbarian warrior, devoted monk, demon hunter, witch doctor, or wizard, all attempting to keep earth safe from the hordes of hell.

The influence of the original Diablo and its year 2000 sequel can be seen in titles such as the excellent Titan Quest, Torchlight, Sacred 2 and even Borderlands; their random level creation techniques fell out of fashion for a while but rose to prominence once more in Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Minecraft, Terraria and iPhone favourite Tiny Wings, promising players a new experience each time.

Like Skyrim, Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption used procedural generation to invent random sidequests; another big-money Rockstar project, May 14's Max Payne 3, now sits uncomfortably close to Diablo III.

Max visits Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 with a PC version a little while later; Diablo III is bound for Mac and PC, as its rumoured console outing remains under wraps for now. -- Relaxnews 2012


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