Cyber crime: A million victims a day

Sad, frustration, anger, embarrassment and psychological effects of stress are experienced by those who had experienced a 'flip' in cyberspace. No matter what the form of cyber crime experienced, it can still inflict frustration for those who have become victims.

Although many of the advantages and benefits derived from the creation of a technology, it will bring harm if used incorrectly. When talking about cyber crime, we will think that the majority of victims are women. The assumption is clearly depressed because the reality is that men are more vulnerable to crime in the virtual world.

Men often engage in the 'dangerous' activity on the Internet. More than seven out of 10 men was trapped in cyber crime. This is because men spend more time on the Internet and provides a lot of time talking with someone who is not known on the Internet.

every day there are a million victims of cyber crime. The figure is double the number of babies born into the world every day. It means that 14 victims involved in this crime every second. Cyber crime is a serious issue because it is increasing every year. The majority are scams. There is a lot of complaints received regarding the issue.

The question raised by the antivirus provider on the internet is the number of people regularly update their software protection. Some survey showed that 41 percent of Internet users do not renew their software protection.

It is difficult to avoid the problem because sometimes when someone tries to download a file, they are not aware that there are viruses that were downloaded.

About 82 percent of the real world crime victims is also a victim of crime in cyberspace. The problem becomes more difficult to avoid since most users say they cannot survive without the Internet.

*The writer is willing to hear any comments or opinion regarding this articles. If you find any mistakes, feel free to contact the writer about it.

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